Do pobrania (dla odpowiedzialnych i chętnych) są alfy dla F7: https://forums.garmi...ha-version-9-22
Change log for version 9.22 (changes since v9.15):
- Added a trophy to be displayed after completing a race.
- Added ability to adjust gear weight for cycling power guides.
- Added ability to reorder stocks in the stock widget.
- Added adjust terrain option to cycling power guides.
- Added confirmation page after completing a race.
- Added course directional arrows to course lines on the map.
- Added course elevation page to Primary Race widget.
- Added course map preview to Race Widget.
- Added Cycling Power Guide support.
- Added Effort page to cycling power guides.
- Added follow course and PacePro selection to the Primary Race widget.
- Added Heat Acclimation history page to Training Status.
- Added HRV Status to Training Readiness and Training Status.
- Added Load Focus access to Primary Running events.
- Added main page to HRV Status Widget.
- Added Move/Copy prompt for adding individual glances to a Glance folder.
- Added option to adjust rider position to Cycling Power Guides.
- Added option to copy Glances back to list if folder is deleted.
- Added options menu to Primary Race widget.
- Added Plan Overview page to Daily Suggested Workouts.
- Added Sleep Score history page to Sleep widget.
- Added support for custom race icons in the Primary Race and Race Calendar widgets.
- Added support for the 'Software Update Check via Wifi' to now be accesible via Garmin Connect Mobile.
- Added 'swipe to delete' support to the Stocks widget.
- Added text marquee to Primary Race widget.
- Added the ability to adjust power guide effort.
- Added the ability to view specific splits within a power guide.
- Fixed HRV Status highlighting incorrect unbalanced section in the widget glance.
- Fixed HRV Status when in a glance folder.
- Fixed inconsistent VO2 Max value between the widget glance and Training Status.
- Fixed incorrect Load item in Training Readiness.
- Fixed issue causing Connect IQ watch faces to be stuck in their high power mode after palm touching to get back to the watch face.
- Fixed issue causing excessive Daily Suggested Workout prompting.
- Fixed issue causing inconsistent sleep values in various widget glances after wakeup.
- Fixed issue causing missing Training Status and Race Predictions.
- Fixed issue causing potential empty glance folders.
- Fixed issue causing sluggishness in glances when Connect IQ glances were present.
- Fixed issue causing widget glance loop to not time out.
- Fixed issue where a Connect IQ watch face would be stuck in its high power display while watch was in low power mode.
- Fixed issue where a user could not advance past the daily suggested workout and into a running activity.
- Fixed issue where activity summary would not always timeout back to the watch face.
- Fixed issue where altitude acclimation would not return to the training status widget.
- Fixed issue where battery saver could enable unexpectedly.
- Fixed issue where Cycling Power Guides were not changing after edits were made.
- Fixed issue where HRV status might not appear in Garmin Connect correctly.
- Fixed issue where incorrect text could be displayed on the map download page.
- Fixed issue where incorrect training effect could be shown in the post activity summary.
- Fixed issue where power guide data fields would not properly update during an activity.
- Fixed issue where power save would activate even if navigation was still calculating.
- Fixed issue where RCT could disconnect while on the widget glance.
- Fixed issue where recovery time would show "hours" instead of "days."
- Fixed issue where some course points could not be selected.
- Fixed issue where the calendar widget would not update inside a widget glance folder.
- Fixed issue where the title of a widget glance folder would not always display.
- Fixed issue where turning on Night Vision altered Pulse Ox check mode settings (Tactix 7 only).
- Fixed issue where user could be prompted to select which wrist their watch is on after already configuring this setting.
- Fixed issue where users may need to click the start button twice to enter an activity.
- Fixed issue where watch would crash when syncing a new calendar race event.
- Fixed issue with automatic golf course updates.
- Fixed issue with cycling power guides where changes were not being saved.
- Fixed issue with incorrect page being pushed for the Training Readiness stress factor.
- Fixed issue with VO2 Max coloring in the Training Status widget.
- Fixed issue with weight while creating a cycling power guide.
- Fixed issue with widget glance folder creation when accessing via main menu.
- Fixed missing 'long ride' string in Daily Suggested Workouts.
- Fixed missing page indicators on Training Status and Training Readiness widgets.
- Fixed potential issue where sleep data was missing from the watch but still present in Garmin Connect.
- Fixed potential issues with Connect IQ app installs.
- Fixed potential shutdown after updating an HRM device.
- Fixed potential shutdown on the Sensors' About page.
- Fixed potential shutdown when viewing the race event before the start of a run activity.
- Fixed potential UI issue with Load Focus sub text in Training Status.
- Fixed potential UI issues with the Acute Load History graph in Training Status.
- Fixed sleep score history graph showing values in reverse order.
- Fixed sleep score history graph when less than 7 days of data.
- Fixed UI issue on Training Status tips page.
- Fixed Xero widget not acquiring GPS.
- Improve fonts on acute load page.
- Improve virtual caddie rounds remaining to have a black background instead of white.
- Improved alignment of sub-data in folder glance view.
- Improved automatic altimeter calibration.
- Improved Load Focus glance indication to make it dynamic.
- Improved race time predictions.
- Improved UI for Primary Race widget.
- Improved/Fixed stocks app data.
- Improved/Fixed Training Status and Training Readiness.
- Updated cycling power guide UI for pair power meter prompt.
- WHR improvements.
Sporo... Oczywiście dla kolarzy Cycling Power Guide support zaadoptowany z Edge 1040 jest ciekawą opcją. Ciekawe jak to będzie działać... Dochodzą funkcje związane z HRV, możliwość pobierania aktualizacji systemu przez WiFi (opcja do ustawienia w Connect), a nie tak jak dotychczas ciągnięcie przez BT. No i sporo innych zmian i przesunięć, oraz poprawek i ulepszeń.
Dla rodziny F6 też jest nowa wersja alfy: https://forums.garmi...a-version-22-76
Change log for version 22.76 (changes since v22.75):
- Added HRV Status widget glance.
- Added Heat Acclimation history page to Training Status.
- Fixed an issue when calibrating altitude via the DEM option where the prompt to enter sea level pressure was skipped.
- Fixed an issue where RCT could disconnect while on the widget glance.
- Fixed a potential shutdown on the sensors about page.
- Fixed a potential issue where the Daily Floors Climbed Goal alert would not alert.
- Fixed a potential issue where Battery Saver mode would randomly turn on after an activity or accessing a menu.
- Fixed an issue with VO2 Max coloring in the Training Status widget.
- Improve fonts on acute load page.
- Fixed other minor Training Status UI issues.
- Fixed a potential issue where the device would restart during an activity (non-Pro devices).
Czyli jest już widżet stanu HRV. Pierwszy wykres wymaga danych z 3 tygodni (18 dni), tak więc mam puste pole i informację o konieczności noszenia przez 3 tygodnie. Drugi to Last Night HRV i wykres HRV w czasie od zaśnięcia do obudzenia się. Właściwie to powinno być chyba (lub również) dostępne w widżecie snu... Trzeci to trend tygodniowy średniego HRV podczas snu. Jak na razie mam dwie noce zarejestrowane, czyli dwa punkty wykresu i informację, że potrzeba więcej nocnych HRV.
Status aklimatyzacji przeniesiony do Stanu wytrenowania był już w 22.75, stąd nie wiem skąd ta "zmiana". Może w mojej alfie już przesunęli, a wcześniejszych nie było? Reszta to poprawki, aczkolwiek oczywiście każda poprawka poprawiająca stabilność działania ma sens.